The text tool is used to create and place text in the painting.
• Position the I-beam cursor where you want to start some text
and click once.
• This will create a small box with a double outline, which is a
miniature text window. Whatever you type will appear inside
this window.
• At any time you can change fonts, styles, and text colors or go
back and select sections of text to modify with options on the
Font or Style menus.
All text is wordwrapped to fit inside the window. If you click between the lines in the lower-right corner of the box and drag to resize it, the text will adjust to fit the window. If you click between the lines anywhere else on the box, you can move it to another location. When in motion, the text box becomes transparent so you can easily see where to place the text.
All of these options remain in force until you click the mouse anywhere outside the text box. At this point, the text becomes part of the bit-mapped painting and cannot be modified with standard editing methods.